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Grading System



The International Education Board (IEB) employs a structured grading system to evaluate and accredit educational institutions. This grading system is designed to provide a clear and consistent assessment of institutional performance based on cumulative grade point average (CGPA). The system categorizes institutions into distinct performance tiers, ensuring transparency and clarity in the accreditation process.

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Performance Descriptors

  • A++ (3.51 – 4.00): Institutions in this category have demonstrated exceptional performance and consistently meet the highest standards of academic quality and institutional effectiveness. They are fully accredited and recognized for their excellence.

  • A+ (3.26 – 3.50): Institutions in this range exhibit high-quality performance and meet the established standards with notable effectiveness. They are accredited and maintain strong academic and institutional practices.

  • A (3.01 – 3.25): Institutions with this grade are accredited and show solid performance, meeting the key quality standards required for accreditation.

  • B++ (2.76 – 3.00): These institutions are accredited and demonstrate good performance, though there may be areas for improvement to reach the higher standards.

  • B+ (2.51 – 2.75): Institutions in this category are accredited and have shown acceptable performance, meeting basic quality standards.

  • B (2.01 – 2.50): Accredited institutions in this range meet minimum quality standards but may need to address specific areas to improve their overall performance.

  • C (1.51 – 2.00): Institutions with this grade are accredited but have significant areas for improvement. They are encouraged to enhance their practices to meet higher quality benchmarks.

  • D (≤ 1.50): Institutions in this category are not accredited. They do not meet the necessary quality standards and are advised to undertake substantial improvements to achieve accreditation.


Purpose of the Grading System

The IEB grading system provides a clear framework for evaluating institutional performance. By categorizing institutions into distinct performance levels, the system helps stakeholders, including students, faculty, and policymakers, understand the quality of education and institutional practices. It also supports institutions in identifying areas for development and striving for higher standards of excellence.


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